Saturday, 25 June 2011

Photos are up!

I finally found my camera again! So I took some pictures of my neck warmer (which I'm REALLY glad to have made).
So here they are.  Excuse the shoddy stiching.

This is the insert.  Made with sheets and rice

 Here you can see the fabric I used to make it

 And finally putting it to good use!

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sewing fun!

My neck has been bothering me lately so I decided to make a neck warmer. After scouring the net a bit I found this pattern here-

So I thought I'd give it a try. What I liked about it was that I had everything around the house already!

For the outside casing I used some fabric I'd bought from Spotlight, the inner pouch was an old sheet and I used rice for the filling.

I made mine 75cms long and 10cm wide (plus seam allowance) because I was after a tube to wrap around my neck. Each pocket took about a 1/2 cup of rice.

I'm really happy with how it turned out and will post pics as oon as I find my camera.

And so it begins...

I've recently been reading blogs ranging from sewing, bento and general arts and crafts and thought to myself "I might start one. It's better than talking to myself"

So here's the start of my blog! Absolutely Adornable Creations will hopefully have my random craft experiments and also links to my and as a lot of my stuff will hopefully be available for sale.